night rather than day

a moment of clarity

The start was always just a blurーOf different faces and different names, of a land so vast and green, and yet, nothing else has ever felt more like home. Yurukhan remembers a fight, a battle, and arguments in a torn-down yurt. Pride, he remembers someone saying, and how their clan would not allow itself to be subjugated so easily.And so they fled.Yurukhan can barely remember running, can barely remember the humidity of Yanxia, and the loud, violent noises that the Garleans have brought along with them, as his clan once again runs away from home. After Yanxia was Kugane, and hiding at every corner, afraid that any moment now, they’d get hunted down and forced to come back to the Steppe. When word came of a merchant ship, Yurukhan was quickly ushered into it, and all he can remember then is the gentle ebb and flow of the sea, lulling him to sleep.And then, fear.There was always fear: from when the Adarkims have won over their clan, to when Garleans have invaded Yanxia. Fear has been a constant, chasing him from city to city, and settling into his bones as he finds himself in Ishgard. They were supposed to be safe here, away from the Garleans, away from the Adarkims. How should they have known? Those who shared any similarities with the horde would always be treated like one; inferior beings, monsters who have come to bring Ishgard to ruin.It is only logical they ruin Yurukhan’s clan first, before they could do anything to the people of Ishgard.And after thatー Yurukhan chooses to forget.Things become a little easier when he lets himself forget. Instead, he lets himself grow angry. It’s easy to cull the parts he no longer wants to see, to forget the things that made him hurt― things become a little easier, but he doesn't recognize himself in the mirror anymore. It’s alright, he tells himself, as he tries to recognise the stranger before him, things hurt a little less this way. There’s no time to be afraid when all he lets himself feel is anger.There’s very little that Yurukhan chooses to remember, afterー a comforting voice bringing him to safety, a new house, a new home. Safety and warmth. A strange Roegadyn with a kind smile, and an even kinder heart. He thinks about his family, and of the one he had to leave behind to survive― no.If Yurukhan refuses to remember anything past the massacre of his family, chooses to forget his time in Ishgard, then, it’s all for the best.


— Spent a while in Ishgard, about two to three summers, and stayed a while even after the calamity. Lived in the shadows of the Brumes, doing what he could to survive without bringing attention to himself and his sister.— Currently works as a wildlife veterinarian and alchemist. He specialises in making potions and poultices catered specifically to creatures of all kinds, and rehabilitates any injured creatures he finds during his journeys.— Almost never seen without any sort of animal companion trailing behind him. Whether it’s a fat cat he’s trying to encourage into exercising, or an injured creature he’s trying to rehabilitate, Khan is almost always surrounded by a creature.— Has very rarely stepped into the Steppe ever since his clan fled from the place, as such, there’s homesickness in him that Khan refuses to acknowledge. Still, Khan often orders Steppe related dishes or cuisine in any venue he visits.— An incredibly huge bookworm; Khan’s often found visiting libraries and leaving the place with at least an armful of books. Is always hungry for knowledge, and as a result, can give random trivia on almost everything if asked.— Shit cook– like, horrible. It’s a wonder how he’s so good at alchemy, when cooking shouldn’t be too different from it. Don’t ask him, Khan doesn’t know, either. The type who breaks pasta in half and puts oil in the water. Just. Don’t let him cook.— Blind as a bat, or well, one eye is. It wasn’t gained during an epic battle of sorts– he was simply born with one eye unable to see. However, he’s still unable to read anything without glasses, as he’s well and thoroughly fucked up his eyesight by reading tomes in the dark.— When not brewing away in his lab, or tending to injured chocobos, or holed up reading books, Khan’s often found wandering around… everywhere. Perhaps it was his history as a gleaner, perhaps it’s just his thirst for knowledge, but Khan can usually be found in dungeons or forests or just about anywhere.note: Khan is not the Warrior of Light in my canon, therefore if you approach me with a WoL character, I don't mind at all!

dossier !

name .............................. yurukhan milon.**gender ** .............................. male.age ...................................... twenty-eight.birthplace ..................... the azim steppe.clan ..................... avagnar.


Yurukhan, a name so obviously from the Steppe, and yetー ‘Milon?’ He’s often asked. And there comes the first hurdle to the puzzle that was Yurukhan Milon: he’s stubbornly tight-lipped when it comes to his origins. ‘I was from the Steppe, he’d say. ‘Was?’ Someone would inevitably point out, and Yurukhan would pause, lips forming into a tight smile, before directing attention away from himself.At first glance, Yurukhan was not at all approachable. A second glance yields no friendliness from him, either. Perhaps it was the semi-permanent scowl to his face, or the ever-so-present furrow between his brows; there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to approach the man. Yurukhan is neither hot nor cold upon first meeting. Indifferent at best, it is only when he thinks the conversation would be of use does he ever chime in, his lips curled into a charming smile.A man of quiet curiosity, Yurukhan is a glutton for learning, and hesitates not in approaching those he deems interesting. Armed with a well-meaning smile and a soft-spoken tone, Yurukhan excels in making others feel important.But of course his friends know him better than most.Stubborn, short-tempered, impatient, and aggressive in his way of showing care, this is how his friends know him. He sheds the persona he reserves only for those he does not know well, and his friends are left with an ornery man. Rarely does Yurukhan have the patience for most people, and often, he would seek solace with the beasts of Hydaelyn, or the comforting hold of a fascinating book.


ISHGARD — Khan's stay in Ishgard had been tumultuous, and most of his memories have been shoved deep into the recesses of his mind. However, he's done some regrettable things in Ishgard borne out of his anger and spite, and as such, have committed acts of violence borne from anger and spite to the citizens there. Too bad Khan won't be be able to apologise, as he's blocked off any memories he's had of his stay in Ishgard.FAMILY TIES — The Avagnars were a large clan, and those that had fled to Ishgard had only been a small percentage of the clan. Khan has not made any attempts to contact those of whom fled to other parts of the Steppe and out of the Adarkim's reaches, but there is no question that he still longs for family and any connection to the tribe he lost.THIRD HOOK — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget commodo tortor. Ut laoreet hendrerit diam. Morbi porta imperdiet pretium. Duis eros ipsum, fermentum in malesuada vitae, luctus in purus. Cras id sem leo. Nam leo lorem, consequat sit amet ultricies id, faucibus sit amet ligula.FOURTH HOOK — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget commodo tortor. Ut laoreet hendrerit diam. Morbi porta imperdiet pretium. Duis eros ipsum, fermentum in malesuada vitae, luctus in purus. Cras id sem leo.

art gallery !


**PLAYER — ** hello! i'm zev! he/they, 20+, my timezone is gmt+8.REQUIRED — i would most likely prefer it you were also 20+ if you want to rp. my hard minimum is 18, sorry. i will rp short one-shots in-game, but anything longer will need to be on discord. i play on a laptop in a warm country, i can't keep FFXIV on too long.**DISCLAIMER — ** i do have responsibilities outside of FFXIV and rp, so if i don't respond quickly, please be patient with me.ROLEPLAY — i do write NSFW content, but only if we are close/we've managed to establish some sort of friendship. as it is, i'm not really an ERP machine.FIND ME — you may find me on twitter @chowcards if you want to reach out!